Ah, the nemesis of all things productive! Piles abound for me in all areas of my life. There are piles of mail, piles of bills, piles of magazines, piles of random items that have no other home...they are EVERYWHERE! They even creep into my office...at every turn, there they are...hampering my day.

Rows of plans lay cluttered in a mass grave of white paper, never mind I have a nice plan rack for which to store them! This is the one pile I feel compelled to eliminate, but only because those little bastards are heavy!
My work space is unfortunately no better off. It is cluttered with sketches, drawings, printouts, spreadsheets, budgets, piles to be archived (archive? what the hell does that mean?), legal pads full of notes and the omni-present piles of sticky notes! It's like a cocoon. I feel safe if anything, I like to focus on the positives! I usually take my work to another clutter free zone to actually be productive...it's funny how it becomes a complicated dance of musical workspaces!
So the moral of the story: we will never be without them no matter how much we hate them. We will never win the battle no matter how hard fought. We will never tame the beast no matter what we slip in its drink. We will grow to love them and nurture them and rely on them until one day Audrey II is drinking our blood...so we mow her down and start fertilizing again. Enjoy your piles!

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